Multi-Vendor Transpetro Datacenter Operations with Lotus ICT for Equipment Lifecycle Extension

Transpetro, a logistics company specializing in the transportation and storage of oil and gas, was facing challenges in managing a variety of datacenter equipment from various vendors, including Dell, HP and IBM. This complexity resulted in high communication costs and operational inefficiencies.


  1. Supplier Coordination: Managing support and maintenance contracts with several suppliers increased communication overload and complexity.
  2. Equipment downtime: Frequent downtime due to lengthy service responses from different suppliers impacted overall performance.
  3. Lifecycle Management: Ensuring the longevity and optimum performance of diverse hardware with different support terms and conditions.


Transpetro contracted Lotus ICT to provide multivendor maintenance services for its datacenter equipment. Lotus ICT acted as a single point of contact for all maintenance needs, simplifying communication and coordination.


  1. Centralized Support: Lotus ICT has established a centralized support system for all the equipment in the datacenter, guaranteeing fast response times and efficient problem resolution.
  2. Proactive Maintenance: Regular proactive maintenance schedules have been implemented to anticipate and resolve potential problems before they cause downtime.
  3. Lifecycle Extension Programs: Specialized programs have been implemented to extend the lifecycle of older equipment, ensuring continued performance and reliability without the need for immediate replacements.


  1. Reduced Communication Costs: By acting as a single point of contact, Lotus ICT has significantly reduced the time and resources Transpetro used to spend coordinating with various suppliers.
  2. Equipment Life Cycle Extension: Life cycle extension programs have helped Transpetro maximize the use of its existing equipment by postponing the need for expensive upgrades.
  3. Increased Performance and Uptime: With proactive maintenance and rapid problem resolution, Transpetro experienced less downtime, leading to an increase in the overall performance and reliability of data center operations.

Find out more about Multi-Vendor Operations

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