Automation IOT for remote measurement and actuation.

Own solution with more flexibility

  • We monitor, act remotely and automate energy , water and refrigeration circuits
  • Generation of labor and energy efficiency and control of environments that cannot stop .
  • We operate in the Telecom , Education and Large Buildings market such as Hospitals , ETC

What we do

Technology to reduce operating costs


•We turn off Ares and IR equipment if there is no presence in the environments

•We turn circuits on and off at pre-scheduled times

•We measure consumption and identify main offenders

•We individualize consumption – sub-apportionment


•We turn the pumps on and off depending on reservoir levels

•We monitor general water consumption and by units

•We monitor water consumption in cooling towers


•Manual routines are being replaced by automation

•Turn circuits on and off Check asset levels and consumption

Customizable Dashboard


For more information, contact us or visit