Case Study: Implementation of Intelligent Video Monitoring Solutions with AI at Petrobras


In 2023, Lotus ICT stood out by implementing Intelligent Video Monitoring solutions with AI for Petrobras, the largest oil and gas company in Latin America. This pioneering project covered more than 100 offshore vessels, raising safety standards and aligning with the company's innovation strategy.


The oil and gas industry faces numerous security challenges, especially in offshore operations. The need for continuous and efficient monitoring is crucial to ensure the safety of employees and the protection of facilities from potential threats.


Lotus ICT has developed and implemented an intelligent video monitoring solution based on AI. This advanced technology offers:

  • Real-time detection: Instant identification of suspicious activity and risk situations.
  • Predictive Analysis: Use of AI algorithms to predict and prevent incidents before they occur.
  • Automated Alerts: Immediate notifications to security teams in the event of critical events.
  • Simple integration: Compatibility with Petrobras' existing systems, allowing for a smooth transition.


Since implementation, Petrobras has seen significant improvements in several areas:

  • Increased Security: Reduction in security incidents due to proactive detection.
  • Operational Efficiency: Continuous monitoring and real-time data analysis.
  • Cost-Benefit: Reduced operating costs through fewer incidents and rapid response to emergencies.


"Partnering with Lotus ICT to implement intelligent video monitoring solutions has revolutionized our approach to offshore security. AI technology has not only improved our ability to respond to incidents, but has also provided peace of mind to our day-to-day operations."


The implementation of Intelligent Video Monitoring solutions with AI by Lotus ICT at Petrobras not only strengthened safety, but also demonstrated how innovation can transform complex operations. This pioneering project is a milestone in the history of offshore security and an example of success for the oil and gas industry.